An accomplished and experienced teacher and workshop leader, she has been involved in many successful education projects combining her outstanding talents as writer, singer, dancer, drummer, poet and playwright.
Her work with major arts and education projects has led to international collaboration and high profile performances. Sound it out Community Music Birmingham UK.
Helen has worked with London Bridge Ensemble, The Descendants Workshop leader music and drama storytelling for City Lit Phakama UK Museum Tutor working at the Horniman Museum. Ragged School Museum Maritime Museum.
As a museum tutor and storyteller, Helen has worked as an educator, explainer and tutor in the Hands on Rooms, of these museums, talking and showing the collections sometimes using storytelling for some of the projects like the Black History events I did at The Hackney Museum which was tied in with the collection.
She had been a workshop facilitator, director/conductor for music drama, writing performance pieces made by young people and refugees.
Theatre sight pacific performances outside St Paul’s Cathedral, inside museums productions about what affects young people today and in the past.